Overview of hormone deficiency and bioidentical hormones
What are hormones and what causes deficiency
Signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance
What are bioidentical hormones and how they help
Overview of custom hormone therapy
Diagnosing hormone deficiencies
Importance of testing hormone levels
Types of lab tests available
Understanding test results
Benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy
Relief of deficiency symptoms
Renew Hormone Clinic approach to bioidentical hormones
Ongoing monitoring and support
Safety and quality assurances
Why choose us for hormone therapy
Interesting fact
Bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT) involves the use of hormones that are chemically identical to those occurring naturally in the human body. While studies have shown health benefits from BHT, little is known about the long-term effects or optimal doses. More research is needed to better understand risks versus benefits for individual patients over decades of use.
Starting bioidentical hormone replacement
Initial consultation and planning
Initiating therapy protocol
Follow up and maintenance
Recommendations for lifestyle and wellbeing
Nutrition and supplementation
Exercise, rest and routine
Community resources and networks
Importance of timely diagnosis and treatment